Tesis dirigidas
The Translation of Science from English into Spanish: A Proposal for a Specialised Paper on Gemology
Analysis of the CLIL Methodology in Spain: Implementation, Impact and Possible Improvement.
Translational analysis and translation proposal into Spanish of an environmental science article
How to Deal with Mixed-Ability Classrooms: Differentiation
Story-Based Pre-Tasks, During-Tasks and Post-Tasks in the Primary Science Classroom
Teaching Vocabulary and Multi-Word
Expressions Through Thematic Sets to Young
M-learning and Educational Applications for the English Class
Almost Ready! A Pushed Output Task-Based Learning Proposal for EFL Students
Born in the USA: Music and American Culture in a Syllabus Design for 1st Year
of Bachillerato
English in Environmentally-Friendly Contexts: A
Syllabus Design for 2nd Year of CSE
Teaching and Learning in Culturally Diverse Classrooms: Problems or Possibilities?
Course Syllabus: Learning and Teaching Vocabulary through Feelings in
1st Post-Compulsory Secondary Education
Using cultural resources to Foster communication in English as a Foreign Language
A Brexit portfolio: a proposal for the Official School of Languages
Using films in the EFL classroom: a proposal to use them in a class of
4th ESO
An application of online tools towards the improvement of students oral skills in the English Language
Approaches in English as a Foreign Language Teaching: Problem-Based Learning
ETWINNING: The Bridge between Innovation and Realism
Task-Based Learning Approach and Escape Rooms
Avaliaçao da qualidade do sono em alunos do ensino secundário do concelho de Bragança
Game-based learning for English language learners
English teaching and learning through role-playing
Learning English Through Movies: `"Inside Out"". Let"s Talk About Emotions!
The use of audiobooks for planned reading: Alice in Wonderland for 4th of ESO
Application of PRAT software in teaching pronunciation to EFL learners: A case study in Compulsory Secondary Education
Improving Oral Skills through Drama in Level B2.1
Pronunciation in Primary Education
Evaluation of activities in elementary english textbooks according to Bloom`s taxonomy
How to teach grammar to children from a blended learning perspective
A TBL Proposal to Teach English Implicitly Using Cross-Cutting Concepts as a Conductive Thread and Exploiting the Didactic Possibilities of Instagram
Using Games to Develop Young Learners" Communicative Competence in English:
An Active-Methodology-Based Proposal
Enhancing interaction in the English classroom: Proposals for role-plays in 4th of ESO
Syllabus design for 1st year of ESO: A proposal for improving oral
skills traveling through English
Design of a competence evaluation proposal for compulsory reading in the English subject
Fostering oral skills in the 3rd year of ESO: Practising accuracy and fluency
Proposal for Improving Oral Skills with Three Projects for the 3rd Year of ESO
The use of oral presentations for the improvement of oral skills
Developing thinking skills through the use of Escape Rooms in the Primary English classroom
The use of oral presentations as a practice of oral skills in the 4º Year of ESO
Proposal of activities for the improvement of oral skills in 4th of ESO students
A proposal for learning English-speaking countries' culture vocabulary through TBL
The Use of Gamification In the English Classroom to Work on the Sustainable Development Goals
Four Core Skills in Primary Education English Textbooks
Self-Regulation: Developing the Four Communicative Skills in the School Environment
Conversation on food and cooking: a learning scenario proposal with communicative language teaching and learning strategies.
Guided reading as an essential element in English Language Teaching to Young Learners
The Whole Language Approach through Storytelling in the Primary English classroom
Impacto de la desnutrición en el paciente con patología vascular en un hospital terciario
Situación de la profesión enfermera en Castilla y León: posibilidades de desarrollo profesional
Cirugía laparoscópica de la acalasia: evaluación clínica y funcional a medio y largo plazo